PR Guy: a tool for startups and small businesses seeking media coverage.

What we do?

Making PR affordable and effortless

Tired of your news going unnoticed? Fill out the Contact Form, get a tailored, AI-enhanced pitch template and a list of journalists for your story.

All you left to do is fill in your details and send it out. Or ask for more help – check our Pricing Plans!

What are the templates?

Best-in-class pitches, enhanced with AI

We know how to get a startup featured in TechCrunch, Bloomberg, WSJ, and other industry leading media.

Based on hundreds of successful pitches, our AI engine will pick the best performing pitch template for your story.

What is a media list?

Reporters and editors who are interested in you

Having a good pitch makes half of success - another half is whom you send it to.

Based on your industry and on the news you have, we curate a list of relevant media professionals who are most likely interested in your pitch.

What can we guarantee?

A good quality pitch sent to the right people

We guarantee your pitch won’t end up in spam... Jokes aside, you can rest assured your pitch is decent and gets to the right media – and with a bit of love, it will turn into a great PR campaign! Get started with PR at an affordable fixed cost today.

What else can you offer?

Check our Pricing Plans for options!

You Will Get a Tailored, AI-enhanced Pitch and a List of Relevant Journalists.

What Our Clients Say